Apricot’s Sore Hock Socks Loan Scheme
What Are Sore Hocks?
Sore hocks occur on the base of a rabbit’s foot or feet, almost always the rear feet (hence ‘hocks’). They can be due to inappropriate housing or bedding, or a side effect of arthritis or spondylosis making the rabbit sit oddly and putting pressure on the hock. They are also particularly common in Rex rabbits whose fur does not develop in the normal manner and does not protect the hock. Sore hocks often start as a small round pink area and increase in size becoming red and inflammed (see images below). The skin may split and infection get into the foot. In the worst cases the skin may become necrotic and infection can then travel up the leg bone. It is important to tackle sore hocks at an early stage. Often carers will try bandaging or baby socks, and creams, but it is difficult to keep the bandages/baby socks on and many of the creams contain elements which should not be ingested and therefore need to be kept covered. Wrabbit (https://www.wrabb-it.com) hock socks were designed by vets in Denmark to address these issues.
We are now also very grateful to the owners of Ralph for donating his medium hocksocks as part of our loan scheme in his memory
Why a Loan Scheme?
Like many rabbits, and especially Rex rabbits, our beloved Apricot suffered from Sore Hocks. We tried everything we could think of to help her from bandaging to soft surfaces, ointments and laser. Then we discovered Wrabbit sore hock socks and they were amazing! Thanks to our lovely supporters Apricot ended up with 5 pairs of hock socks (medium and small, indoors and outdoors!) all sent all the way from Denmark by the lovely people at Wrabbits https://www.wrabb-it.com . Sadly Apricot is no longer with us, but we still have her socks, and as we understand that Wrabbit socks are quite a large investment, we loan them out for other rabbits with sore hocks so they can ‘try before they buy’ to ensure they get the correct fit and that socks are right for them. There is more information about the socks themselves and a link to the You Tube video on how to put them on and off at https://www.wrabb-it.com
How Does it Work?
If you think your rabbit has sore hocks and would benefit from socks, email us at home@parsleyswarren.space to ask if we have some loan socks currently available. We will ask you about size of rabbit, how serious the sore hock is, and whether the cause has been identified (in case there is an underlying cause that also needs addressing such as arthritis). Once we know this is something the socks may help with, we will send you a pair of socks on loan to try. Sadly we canot loan to rabbits that have infected hocks.
How Long Can I Loan Them For?
The loan scheme is designed so that people can see whether their rabit will tolerate socks (most do if they fit well), and what size fits them (NOTE we only have small and medium). We loan the socks for 2 weeks to give you time to assess their suitability and also to see whether there is any improvement in the hock sore. After that time you send them back (washed and laundered!) and can then purchase your own pair from Wrabbit ApS. https://www.wrabb-it.com
Why Only Wrabbit Socks?
We tried many different products to help Apricot’s hocks and Wrabbit socks were the only ones that stayed on her and also helped her. We therefore purchased several pairs. Wrabbit are the only ones we have to loan and the ones we recommend . Because each pair is handmade and specially padded they are expensive (although in comparison to numerous vet’s trips maybe not so expensive!!) and that is why we started the loan scheme to ‘try before you buy’. For more details of the socks and purchasing see https://www.wrabb-it.com. We have no affiliation or connection with Wrabbit (other than as purchasers of their products) and do not get any commission etc from the scheme.
Apricot's Sore Hock Before Wrabbit Socks
Apricot developed inflammed and sore hocks in part due to being a Rex (with insufficient specialised foot fur), and in part due to her arthritis in her toes and hips which made her sit in such a way it caused pressure on her heels. This gradually developed from a tiny round pink spot on the heel to a long inflammed area of bare skin. At this stage we were still using bandages and padding but were finding it difficult to keep it on. This meant the protective creams were also being rubbed (or licked) off.
Apricot's Hock After a Few Weeks with Wrabbit Socks
After a few weeks of wearing Wrabbit socks to protect the sore areas Apricot was able to regrow some of the fur on the base of her feet . This helped to cover the sore pressure points Apricot was much more comfortable and sat better, meaning the discomfort from her arthritis also improved. This shows the right foot after a few weeks - compared to the image on the left before the socks. Eventually only a small round area of red was left.